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New York StateUnified Court System

Part Rules

Resolution Part Rules            Trial Part Rules

Resolution Part Rules

Hon. Jean Schneider

1. All parties and attorneys must check in with court personnel upon arrival in the Part. Cases scheduled for 9:30 am will be dismissed or defaulted if the party or attorney has not checked in by 10:30 am. Cases scheduled for 11:00 am will be dismissed or defaulted at 12:00 noon. Cases scheduled for 2:00 pm will be dismissed or defaulted at 3:00 pm.

2. All cases on the 9:30 am and 11:00 am calendars that have not previously been disposed of may be called by the court at 12:30 pm and dismissed, defaulted, or adjourned at the court's discretion if the parties or attorneys are not present, whether or not the parties have checked in. Parties or attorneys whose cases have not been disposed of at that time and who do not plan to remain in the courtroom must specifically advise the court of the status of the case and the whereabouts of the party or attorney prior to that time. Cases on the 2:00 pm calendar may similarly be called and dismissed, defaulted, or adjourned if not disposed of by 4:00 pm.

3. Parties and attorneys with applications for adjournments should notify court personnel at the time of check-in. The court will hear applications as soon as both sides are present. No adjournment time will be charged for purposes of RPAPL Section 745(2) unless noted by the court at the time the adjournment is granted.

4. Any party or attorney may request a conference with the court or with a court attorney, or may indicate readiness to argue a motion by notifying court personnel. Parties and attorneys who have requested a conference or argument are expected to remain in the courtroom until the case is called.

5. All proposed stipulations of settlement must be submitted for review by the court. Parties must remain in the courthouse and available to the part until a proposed stipulation has been reviewed and "so ordered." Failure to remain available until a stipulation has been reviewed may result in a dismissal or default or in adjournment of the case, at the court's discretion.

6. All motions must be argued. The court will not take any motions on submission.

7. Parties and attorneys may not call out names in the courtroom. Any party or attorney sho wishes to learn if his or her adversary is present may ask court personnel for assistance. Court personnel will advise litigants that they may have a conference with a court attorney or the court.


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Trial Part Rules

Hon. Jean Schneider

1. Cases scheduled for 9:30 am will be dismissed or defaulted if parties and/or attorneys are not in the courtroom and ready to proceed at 10:30 am. There is no check-in procedure. Cases scheduled for 2:15 pm will be dismissed or defaulted at 3:00 pm.

2. All motions must be argued. The court will not take any motion on submission.

3. All cases referred to this Part for trial will be tried from day to day until completed.

4. No case may be adjourned in this Part except by application to the Court. Adjournments in the Part will be granted only in exceptional circumstances.


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