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New York StateUnified Court System

Part Rules

Resolution Part Rules            Trial Part Rules

Resolution Part Rules

Hon. Steven Weissman

1. Check in: all parties, and their attorneys, MUST check in with court personnel.

2. Appearances: all attorneys MUST file a written notice of appearance with the Court. The Court will reject any stipulation signed by an attorney who has not filed such a notice.

3. Defaults: upon a parties failure to check in;

(a) cases on the 9:30am calendar will be dismissed or defaulted at 11am; cases on the 11am calendar will be dismissed or defaulted at 12 noon; cases on the 2pm calendar will be dismissed or defaulted at 3pm. Any scheduled inquest or hearing will be dismissed or defaulted at the same time as defaults are done.

(b) where all parties have checked in but the case remains unattended to by 12 noon (for 9:30 and 11 am calendars), or by 3pm (for 2pm calendars), the case is subject to dismissal, default or adjournment, at the Court's discretion.

(c) parties, or their attorneys, cannot return to the Part after 12:30pm for any morning calendar case and expect their case to be heard. The Part closes promptly at 1pm, and resumes at 2:15pm.

4. Conferences: any party, or attorney, may request a conference with the Court or Court Attorney by notifying court personnel of such request.

5. All Stipulations in non-payment proceedings MUST address repair issues, and if they exist, must contain a list of all such alleged repairs, with access dates and completion dates set forth. If there are no repairs, the stipulation should state as such.

Any Stipulation that fails to address repairs will be modified by the Court, if and as deemed necessary, where counsel either fails to return to the part in a reasonable amount of time, or cannot be found by Court personnel within a short period of time.

6. Though opposition papers on motions and orders to show cause are not required, they are encouraged for those who wish to have a full, appealable, record.


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Trial Part Rules

Hon. Steven Weissman


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