This affidavit must be filled out by the person that serves the summons with notice or the summons and verified complaint on your spouse (the Defendant). You need not file this form if Defendant executes the Affidavit of Defendant (Form UD-7), which satisfies the proof of service requirement.
Field 1: Insert the county in which the action is brought as on prior forms.
Field 2: Print the Plaintiff's name.
Field 3: Insert the index number.
Field 4: Print the Defendant's name.
Field 5: Insert the state and county where the process server signed this document before a notary
Fields 6,7: The process server must fill in his or her name and address.

Field 8: The process server must fill in the details of when and where the Defendant was served, and must check the appropriate boxes as to the documents that were served which must include the Notice of Automatic Orders and the Notice of Guideline Maintenance if the divorce was commenced on or after1/25/16. Note: if your action was commenced before January 25, 2016 , the Maintenance GuidelinesLaw will not apply. If there are children of the marriage under the age of 21 (see the definition on page 7),the Child Support Standards Chart must also be served on the Defendant. The chart is available at: https://newyorkchildsupport.com/quick_links.html.
Field 9: The process server must check the option that specifies how he or she identified the Defendant and check all the applicable identifying characteristics of the Defendant. If the first option is checked, the process server must describe how he or she became acquainted with the Defendant. If you provided the process server with the Defendant's picture, or pointed out the Defendant to the process server, you must address this in the Affidavit of Plaintiff (Form UD-6).
Field 10: The process server must ask the Defendant whether he or she is a member of the military of this state or any other state or this nation. The process server should check box 6a if the Defendant states that he/she is not in the military. The process server should check box 6b if the Defendant says he/she is in the military and also complete the information as to the type of service in box 6b. If the Defendant does not answer the question as to military service, then the process server should check box 6c.
Field 11: The process server must sign the document when completed before a notary public.