Opinion 07-77

June 21, 2007

         This responds to your inquiry (07-77) about whether you may provide a “letter of welcome” to each juror reporting for jury duty. You included a proposed letter with your inquiry.

         In Opinion 95-53, this Committee found that a judge may write letters to jurors, thanking them for their completed service, but cannot praise or criticize them for their verdict. Opinion 95-53 (Vol. XIII). The Committee similarly finds it permissible for you to write a letter of welcome and gratitude to jurors when they first report for jury duty.

         The Committee advises, however, that because this correspondence is written in your official capacity, you should provide your official court system e-mail address, rather than your personal e-mail address, for jurors who may have “comments or suggestions” concerning their jury service.

         We enclose a copy of Opinion 95-53 (Vol. XIII) for your review and consideration.