Opinion 23-152

Short-Form Opinion

December 14, 2023

Question:     May a judge with relevant personal knowledge provide an affirmation of good moral character on behalf of a first-time applicant for admission to the bar?

Discussion:   We have previously advised that a judge may provide a character and fitness committee with an affirmation of good moral character on behalf of a first-time applicant for admission to the bar, provided that the recommendation is based on the judge’s personal knowledge of the applicant’s character.1 If the judge wishes to use judicial stationery, the words “Personal and Unofficial” must be prominently displayed.

Enclosed:     Opinions 08-127; 04-31; 91-14; 88-166.

1 This is a different circumstance than a disbarred attorney seeking readmission, which is subject to the usual prohibition on serving voluntarily as a character witness (see Opinion 95-75; 22 NYCRR 100.2[C]).