Opinion 95-59

April 27, 1995


NOTE: Please consult 22 NYCRR 100.5(A)(1)(a), which applies to both judge and non-judge judicial candidates, before relying on this opinion.


Digest:         A candidate for judicial office is not obligated to resign as a member of the town committee of a political party.


Rule:            Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 7




         An announced candidate for the office of town justice is presently a member of the town committee of a political party. The inquirer asks whether as a candidate for judicial office he/she must resign from the political committee.


         The Committee is of the opinion that the inquirer, as candidate, need not resign at this point. Membership on a town party committee is not an office in a political organization, which is forbidden to a candidate for judicial office under Canon 7 of the Code of Judicial Conduct.