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New York StateUnified Court System


Criminal Jury Instructions (CJI2d) and Model Colloquies (MC).

The Unified Court System Committee on Criminal Jury Instructions and Model Colloquies is pleased to present the internet edition of the Criminal Jury Instructions, Second Edition (CJI2d) and the first edition of Model Colloquies (MC). The internet publication is the only current and official publication of CJI2d and MC.

To understand the structure and methodology of CJI2d and MC see Structure & Methodology Explained.

For the latest additions and revisions see CJI2d & MC History.


A CJI2d instruction is a model instruction provided for the guidance of a trial court. It is not a mandated instruction, albeit CJI2d instructions have met with appellate court approval. Individual cases may require a modification or addition to an instruction, particularly because the CJI2d Committee does not receive adversarial briefs or arguments on legal issues related to an instruction. Such issues are left to the discretion of the trial court.


The Court of Appeals has traditionally indicated that trial courts are in the best position to consider what circumstances are relevant in determining how best to address various issues, such as the taking of a defendant’s plea of guilty or a waiver of a right. The Model Colloquies are intended to provide a trial court assistance in fulfilling that responsibility.




Hon. Patricia D. Marks*
Hon. William C. Donnino*

Hon. Angela Badamo
Hon. Danny Chun
Hon. Michelle A. Johnson
Hon. Teresa D. Johnson*
Hon. Robert M. Mandelbaum
Hon. Martin Marcus*
Michael F. McEneney, Esq.*
Hon. Paula Casey Metzler
Hon. Deborah Stevens Modica*
Hon. James A. Murphy, II
Hon. Michael Obus*
Hon. Ushir Pandit-Durant
Vincent Rivellese, Esq.
Hon. Jay L. Weiner
Hon. Paul B. Wojtaszek
Hon. Alvin Yearwood

Committee Counsel
Eric Washer, Esq.


* Retired


Former Members

Former Co-Chair
Hon. Steven W. Fisher

Former Members

Hon. Lester Adler
Glenda K. Brayman, Esq.
Hon. Felix J. Catena
William J. Clark, Esq.
Joseph A. Cristiano, Esq.
Guy E. Des Rosiers, Esq.
Hon. Janet DiFiore
Hon. Michael L. Dwyer
Wendy Eaton, Esq.
Lori C. Fioravanti, Esq.
Hon. Joseph Grosso
Peter K. Kelly, Esq.
Paul Lewis, Esq.
Hon. Joseph P. McCarthy
Hon. Peter J. McQuillan
Hon. Richard A. Molea
Hon. Geoffrey O'Connell
Richard Mischel, Esq.
Hon. Salvatore Modica
Hon. Rosalyn H. Richter
Hon. Toko Serita
Hon. Nathan R. Sobel
Hon. Thomas M. Stark
Michael Tarbutton, Esq.
Joseph Valentino, Esq.
Hon. Barry Warhit
Hon. Joseph K. West
David E. Woodin, Esq