Justices of the Court
Associate Justice Ellen Gesmer
Associate Justice, Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, First Department
February 201.to present
Justice, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Matrimonial Part
New York County, March 2009 to February 201.br />
Bronx County, October 200.to March 2009
Judge, Criminal Court, City of New York
January to October 200./p>
Judge, Civil Court of the City of New York
Brooklyn Civil Court, 2004
Manhattan Civil Court 2005
Partner, Gulielmetti & Gesmer, P.C., New York, New York
1987 to 2003
Associate Attorney, Teitelbaum & Hiller, P.C., New York, New York
1985 to 1987
Clinical Assistant Professor-Child Advocacy Law Clinic, University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1983 to 1984
Staff Attorney, Supervising Attorney, Acting Director of Litigation
Bedford-Stuyvesant Community Legal Services Corporation, Brooklyn, New York
1977 to 1983
Law Clerk, United States District Court (D. Mass.), Boston, Massachusetts - Honorable Joseph L. Tauro
197.to 1977
Yale Law School, J.D. 197.br />
Radcliffe College, B.A., summa cum laude 1972
Matrimonial Practice Advisory and Rules Committee.
- Member (2009 to present)
National Association of Women Judges
- International Committee (2004 to present)
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
- Committee on Matrimonial Law (2007 to 2011)
- Committee on African Affairs (2004 to 2007)
- Committee on Professional Discipline (2001 to 2004)
- Committee on Professional Responsibility (1998 to 2001)
- Committee on Rights of Crime Victims (1990 to 1993)
Women’s Bar Association
- State Wide Committee on Domestic Violence (2002 to 2005)
- Matrimonial and Family Law Committee (1997 to present)
- Judiciary Committee (1998 to 1999)
Sanctuary for Families, Legal Advisory Committee (1999 to 2003)
- Chair, Matrimonial Subcommittee (2002 to 2003)
Dancing in the Streets
- Secretary, Vice President, Member of the Board of Directors (2004 to present)
Judges and Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert
- Board of Directors (2009 to present)