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Jury Verdicts and Settlements

Jury Verdicts and Settlements Publications on Lexis Advance. There are no court issued or comprehensive publications summarizing New York state and federal jury verdicts. Instead private publishers selectively report trial verdicts and settlements by reviewing court filings and interviewing attorneys, who may also submit information on their cases. Some of the publications contained in the Lexis Advance category of Jury Verdicts and Settlements are:

  • ALM Verdicts is published by VerdictSearch, a division of ALM. Beginning date of coverage varies by jurisdiction. Updated when publisher provides uploads to LexisAdvance. A database of over 175,000 cases provides information on injuries, awards and settlements, and experts.
  • Expert Witness Verdicts and Settlements is published by LexisNexis from case summaries obtained by Expert Research On-Demand. Coverage: 1981 to current. Updated daily. Cases summaries from state and federal public records and attorney interviews and submissions for many areas of litigation, including personal injury.
  • Federal Jury Verdict Review and Analysis is published by The Federal Jury Verdict Reporter, LLC. Coverage: October 2005 to current. Published monthly and uploaded to LexisAdvance within three weeks of publication. A selective reporter of civil jury verdicts in federal courts including patents, personal injury, and labor standards.
  • LexisNexis Jury Verdicts is published by Mealey Publications. Coverage: 1990 to current. Published monthly and uploaded to LexisAdvance within a day of publication. Mealey's reporters select verdicts and settlements from a wide variety of litigation, including personal injury. If available, links to court filings and judicial opinions and memoranda are provided.
  • Medical Litigation Alert is published by Jury Verdict Review Publications. Coverage: 1992 to current. Updated monthly and uploaded when delivered to LexisAdvance. Drawing upon Zarin's Jury Verdict Review & Analysis, summaries of medical malpractice cases are reported by the publisher's staff after reviewing court filings and interviewing attorneys.
  • National Jury Verdict Review & Analysis is published by Jury Verdict Review Publications, a division of Zarin's Jury Verdict Review. Online coverage: September 1985 to current. Monthly uploads to LexisAdvance as issued by publisher. Provides reviews of state and federal jury verdicts in many fields including premises and product liability, motor vehicle negligence, and personal injury.
  • National Medical Malpractice Review & Analysis is published by Jury Verdict Review Publications, Inc. Online coverage: 2009 to current. Monthly updates to LexisAdvance as issued from publisher. Federal and state verdicts and settlements from Zarin's Jury Verdict Review publications selected for utility in medical malpractice litigation.
  • New York Jury Verdict Review and Analysis is published by Jury Verdict Review Publications. Online coverage: December 1983 to current. Monthly updates to LexisAdvance as issued by publisher. Documents may include case name, summary, judge, counsel and expert witnesses.
  • New York State Appellate Tort Review Digest is published by Jury Verdict Review Publications, Inc. Published monthly and uploaded to LexisAdvance as issued by publisher. Summaries of published opinions of appealed verdict and settlement awards for all four departments and the New York Court of Appeals.
  • What's It Worth? A Guide to Personal Injury Awards and Settlements published by Matthew Bender & Company. Coverage: 1996 to current. Updated annually and uploaded to LexisAdvance within two weeks of publication. A popular publication because of its organization by type of injury and evaluation of award on appeal. Summaries include name of reporter as well as the standards of court location and description of parties and experts and any pending appeals.
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